Thursday 31 January 2019

Analysing newspapers

Main image - statue of liberty ashamed.
Headline - President Trump
Quote - "what have they done"
Binary opposition - Black and white. Main statue usually a proud statue now it's ashamed.
Iconography - Statue of liberty, dull colours, background city.
Semiotics - "What have they done?" negative questioning.

Main image - President Trump with his success of becoming president.
Headline - "The new world"
Quote - "You will be so proud of your president"
Binary opposition - High lighting for Trump yet lower lighting for the person next to him.
Iconography - Main president, Big suit, American flag.
Semiotics - "New world" showing Trump is going to have a positive/ negative impact on the world.

Tabloid vs broadsheet

A tabloid is a newspaper which is typically more popular in style and includes different stories. A broadsheet is a large paper print with lots more information over pictures.
Then explain the following information about the Mirror and 

The Times.

Ownership - The mirror = Reach Plc (Daily mirror, Sunday)
                     The Times = Rupert Murdoch
Reach Plc is a corporation publishing multiple newspapers whereas Rupert Murdoch is an individual who owns different organisations such as Fox news, Sky and 21st Century Fox.  
As Rupert Murdoch owns these different organisations he can control what he want's published which means the newspapers will be biased towards his opinion instead of displaying pros and cons and giving an unbiased opinion. Following C&S theory the media is controlled by different firms as there are multiple organisations owned by the same person.

Wednesday 28 November 2018

Tide Pods

Analyse how the technical codes are used to persuade the specific audience at this specific time to buy the product.

Layout and design
The layout has a main image and some small images. The main image shows a woman hugging the product. Back in the 50's this was acceptable with the women staying at home doing the chores. The use of the language such as "you" shows that the target audience for this is women. The use of the sentences such as "TIDE'S GOT WHAT WOMEN WANT!" and "No wonder you women buy more TIDE than any other washday product!" connotes that women are used to being at home and that by buying this it will save them time and help them with their chores. This picture is actually aspiring back then because whilst the men was at war/ returning from war the women would be home so having technology like this was quite exciting for them as it saves them time.

Lighting and colour

The picture itself is quite bright and seems very positive, including the main selling colours black, white and red to help catch the readers eye to get them to notice it. The pictures included show positivity as the main women is looking glamorous and smiling with her new product. This can help the target audience (women) want to buy this product as it is aspirational to other women.


We have the main image which was discussed in the above paragraph. Another image used is a woman holding a sign that summarises  that no other soap brand will beat this product and how it is the best in the market. In the bottom right we also have the two women discussing how clean there clothes are, this technique used was primarily used to try and get women to think that this was the next best thing and how it would make their lifes so much easier than what it was. However today if someone released an advert like this it would get demonitised so fast as women now have more rights now then compared to then and it would be sexist to subject women to only in the house.

Clothing /props/ gesture/expression
The main gesture used in this advert is the main image in the middle where the woman is hugging the product having love hearts above her. This connotes how much she loves this product and it would be seen as having this product it would make your life much easier if you stayed at home doing washing/ cleaning etc. The headband she wears also shows she is a stay at home housewife because it keeps her hair in place so when she's doing her chores it won't get in the way.

Hard/soft sell

I think this is quite a hard selling advert as it uses direct language such as "WHAT WOMEN WANT". I also believe it is hard selling because it would have been great for the women back then due to how much easier it would've made everything much easier for them so it would've been a very effective advert.

Unique selling point

The USP of this advert would be the sale lines. The use of "Tide gets clothes cleaner then any other washday product you can buy". The use of sales lines like that will reach the target audience and for back then there may have not been as many products out there so this could've dominated the overall market.

Stuart hall's reception theory allows us to see the three different readings from this advert, the positive reading, the negotiated reading and the oppositional reading. The positive reading from this advert would be that this product is made to help the women and shorten the duration of certain chores allowing them to have more rest time. The negotiated reading would be it's nice that they doing this for women however they still at home working and it hasn't changed that. Then there's the Oppositional reading which would be this doesn't help at all because all it is doing is helping a woman with one job however they still working really hard day in day out.

the 1950s consumer and technology  boom

the stereotypical housewife representation

the American dream

1950s fashion and film imagery

Tuesday 2 October 2018

Film plan.

I am going to be shooting my scenes starting from today. Locations i will be using will be the entrance of the college/ outside the refectory. Another location I will be using will be room ... My short film will include knuckles, Dante ...

Monday 1 October 2018

Statements Aims and Intentions

Statements Aims and Intentions

I will be choosing brief 1 Television and the genre for my TV show is going to be a comedy/ drama as my show will contain a group of close friends who stick together however they do disagree and argue about things ranging from little unimportant things to important  and tense subjects.

I am intending to make a sequence including 2 - 4 people who will play a pair or group of friends who tend to conflict with each other a lot but not in a serious manner. My sequence should include a point of conflict and maybe a resolution. The different areas I will most likely use for my task may include a classroom where they like to chill, talk and around the college to imitate where they work/ go to learn. My target audience will be based for people aged 15 - 23 however I reckon multiple ages will watch TV if its a genre they like. However before going off and shooting anything I will likely plan a script to use and maybe include storyboards so I know roughly what I want to include already rather than shooting random scenes.

For camera shots I will be using establishing shots and medium shots to show the characters but I won't be using any major camera shots because i'm not trying to show suspense as it's mainly a comedy/ light drama show and not a show that includes a crazy tense story line.

One idea for my scene will include 2 or more of the friends who conflict with each other over a girl which will cause them to disagree with each other and start an argument that isn't exactly serious but still pitting them against each other. I plan to have a resolution towards the end of the scene.

For audio codes I will like to use a mic to make any conversation within any of my scenes clear for the audience to hear and understand. If i can't use a mic i'll try to minimise any outside noise that shouldn't be included. If i'm filming inside of the college then there will be background noise of everyone which I will most likely keep in as it suits the environment and would otherwise sound unnatural to be in a college without any sound.

Technical codes will include editing so all the different camera angles and shots I will use, the lighting techniques, the jump cuts etc. I will either be filming my scenes from a camera or by using my phone, and if I use my phone I will need to do some editing to either enhance the main sounds/ speech of the main characters and try get rid of any unnecessary sound. 

Visually in my scenes there will be where the scenes are shot so for now a living room and the college/ college rooms. Then there is the actors included which we will see and any props included.

For my front page cover I will include 2 main images, 3 sub - headings, a main title, the date, barcode and price. The images used will help create a narrative and clearly show the genre off my film. The posture and gestures of my main actors helps connote the feeling/ ambience off my film and help the target audience what is going on. I have decided to keep a similar colour scheme throughout my front cover and double page spread with yellow/ orange.

My double page spread will include one main image showing my main actor before the events of the film. I will also include 2 quotations on the same genre, an interview with some of the actors and 2 smaller images, hopefully going to use one from the movie to help to show them what is going on and the overall  genre again.

Tuesday 25 September 2018

Life on mars

Life on mars

To start with on life with mars we have it start with present time and we have the typical male and female partners. Also during the first interrogation scene we can see the suspect getting uncomfortable and his lawyers and social workers asking the interrogators to stop. Although this is the usual for now it plays an important part later.

Jumping forward into the episode we see the main character go back in time into 70's roughly. What the show does well it's the setting and the way everything successfully gives the feeling that you are in the 70's. For example the way the main character is dressed and everyone around him, the style of clothing everyone has.

Another way the show successfully takes us back in time with it is the way people speak, are treated and how they talk about women. For example when he goes to the police station and wakes up the man in charge he gets punched in the stomach which back then would have been acceptable and no one would've questioned it rather than if that happened today they'd get fired straight away for physical abuse. Again when talking about women they think that they are better than them and talk about them provocatively which contrasts to the future he was in when he has a female partner who he would work with. But back then they would never work with a female and they think that there opinion is irrelevant and that they are there for the sexual pleasure of men.

Throughout the show we see the typical cliche of good cop bad cop due to the way that they would handle situations, for example when interrogating someone back in the 70's they were allowed to physical hurt them and scare them into talking where as in the modern day the social workers and lawyers were telling them to stop asking to many questions it is making him feel uncomfortable which just contrasts the two different methods from the present day to the past.

Also more unusual behaviour used is drinking on the job and then continuing to do their job. Which if we did this during this time we would get fired or worse though back then it is allowed. Another thing back in the day is the lack of black people in the show however when we see the black guy serving drinks we suspect the boss is going to be racist towards him though it turns out they are good friends which surprised us as the audience.

As far as visual codes go we see all the characters dressed in the 70's style to match the scenery and time they were in and the cars were a lot older and nothing seemed modern anymore, all the shops seemed like what you would see if you glimpsed into the past.

Audoe codes used would be the normal background talking, car noises when out in public. There would be some tense music playing at different parts of the episode like when he is about to jump off the building or when he gets hit by the car.

Technical codes used would be the normal background talking, the car sounds when out in public and the non diegtic sounds for example when he is about to jump off the building towards the end of the apisode or when he gets hit by the car. Also the editing used such as the different camera shots and angles, diegetic and non diegetic sounds, the different types of cuts the episode uses.

There are a lot of enigmas throughout the episode like is him in the 70's real or his imagination, the prime suspect in their investigation, how they're going to solve the murder case? Which is good to keep the audience attached as we want to see what happens and we want to solve these enigmas with the characters.

Tuesday 15 May 2018

Oxfam and Wateraid

Oxfam is an organisation made up of around 20 different charitable organisations to try and get rid of global poverty. In some of their adverts that they make they use depressing music to make you think about how lucky you are compared to others and will try guilt trip you into donating to them. Also in adverts that they've make to show progress they like to mention how "they've" done something to help almost in the sense of bragging. One thing that does raise a question is instead of going out to these places and filming all the poverty they should just start helping straight away not spending money to advertise. I think the demographic for this advert 

However, in this advert the music is quite exciting rather than depressing. In the advert they show his dreams as he says he wants a 6 room house for his kids to experience a good lifestyle. With the water tap they have now it saves him 15 trips to the Nile and back. I think this advert is more effective then some of their other adverts as it gets the message across positively and doesn't try to guilt trip you into donating.

WaterAid is another charity that wants to help get rid of poverty and there slogan is "Extreme poverty won't end until everyone, everywhere has clean water, decent toilets and good hygiene. That's why we're here". WaterAids adverts does show poverty but in comparison to Oxfam they like to use upbeat/ exciting music to show how happy everyone is after receiving all the help. For example in one advert it showed a man who would carry around a ridiculous amount of water in a day but now he doesn't have to travel as far now they have the taps at a closer position. Also WaterAid doesn't say "look what we did" like Oxfam does in their advert. 

However, in this advert there is no music but the girl is singing about finding positivity even in the situation they're in but also shows the water tap and everyone around it laughing having a good time. Again like the above advert I think this is a more effective advert as it uses positivity and makes us all feel inclusive and that we are all working together to exterminate poverty.

Both advert use a voice over and will directly address "you" which makes it more powerful and will make you feel like you need to help. This could be seen as another way to try and guilt trip you into donating. Another phrase they use is "with your help" which makes you feel responsible for their current situation and only you can help them. 

Tuesday 8 May 2018

Media question

With reference to your own detailed examples explore how media texts attract different audiences.

Media text = any constructed media product or piece of communication, whether print or audiovisual, which can be analysed and deconstructed.

Different media texts can be used to draw in different audiences for example if you use social media then it will target most people except maybe elderly people who don't really use it as much. What a lot of companies will do is see what you usually look at and place ads to do with what you usually search to try and get you to buy there products and reach out to whoever is viewing their product.

Using newspapers and print based media in my opinion will be good to reach out to the people aged 30 onwards because I think the younger generation will usually use their phones/ tablets instead of picking up a newspaper.

Television is another form of media which will cover a large audience because most people will have a TV and even though they might not directly watch it it could be on in the background with the news on to briefly listen to. 

Another form of media used to attract a large audience is music. I think this is a really good form of media because each genre of music targets different people for example rap/ grime could target people aged 14 - 25 whereas classical music could target an older generation however it is all opinion based. Magazines/ newspapers might start music artists on the front to try and get the target audience to read their print based media.

Advertising is another way for companies to try and communicate with customers and other people. By showing their product and showing you reviews and low prices to try and attract new customers.

Weekly news No.18

School shooting prevented. Teen had a "Kill list".

In Northallerton a teenager has planned to try and re-create an American high school shooting. The teenager who hasn't been named had carved his name into one of his ex's girlfriends back. Most people described this teenager as insane and a bit of an outcast. I think maybe the kid didn't have very good social skills and was usually picked on or bullied due to people saying he is an outcast and that this could probably lead to him thinking and feeling like no one likes him and in his head the "shooting" is the right thing to do. There could be a lot of different factors that influenced him into wanting to do this but we don't know all the factors.

According to the ex he would talk to her about all of the things he had under his bed such as chlorine bombs and a kill list. The girl said she didn't report this because she was scared that he would hurt her or her friends and she didn't want anyone hurting them.

The two boys involved have both been trying to re-create the Eric Harris and Dylan Klebold case were they both killed 12 students, a teacher and then themselves. Both boys are denying the "conspiracy to murder" and have both pleaded not guilty to intentionally carry out any act of violent behaviour. The boy who carved his name into his ex's back is denying aggravated burglary and actually wounding the girl.

Overall, I think this is a very serious case and i'm glad they caught them before they got to carry out this act. It is one of those crimes that can happen so fast that no matter how many pre-cautions you take it can still happen but luckily it didn't.

Leeds Crown Court.

Monday 30 April 2018

Weekly new No.17

Woman with Asperger's removed from BFI cinema for laughing.

Tamsin Parker

Tasmin Parker was at a BFI cinema on London's south bank watching her favourite film The good, The bad, The ugly. Tasmin suffers from Asperger's syndrome and was "forcibly removed" for laughing to much. Already I think this is stupid because when I wen't to see the new Avengers almost everybody laughed at different moments during the film. Also some films will include humor to try and get the audience to laugh, so to be removed for laughing is awful. Especially as you've just paid money to see it aswell.

Asperger's is a form of autism and people who suffer with it may find social relationships and communicating difficult.

A lot of people in that screening walked out in a protest due to what they thought as "disgusting" behaviour from the cinema itself. The cinema itself is apologising for its behaviour and saying it must do better.

Tasmin's Parker mum (Lydia Parker) has said her daughter was flooding in tears. She also said she was disgusted and shocked at how Tasmin was humiliated.

Lloyd Shepherd said that although she laughed very loudly at amusing bits there was never anything that was inappropriate. Some other people have said:

"I was there too and found it sickening. A very unfortunate and uncomfortable situation. I would like to say that having returned later after calming down, I spoke to the manager and believe she was in a very difficult situation, still 100% not fair what happened to that lady."

"It was shocking to witness. The abuse she received for simply laughing and enjoying the film. It broke my heart to see this unfold. My son was with me, he is autistic too, we went to try &make sure she had a safe space and that staff knew how to support her. I hope she is okay x"

The cinema has also said "The BFI said it was "sincerely sorry" and would look into training staff to be more sensitive. In a statement, it added: "In what was a challenging and complex situation, we got it wrong. "We can and must do better in accommodating all the needs of our customers."

Overall, like i mentioned earlier I think that this shouldn't have happened because producers put humor in a film to make the audience laugh so to get dragged out for laughing to much is awful and even though they are saying sorry and that they handled the situation wrong they should either pay her compensation money or give her free viewings at that cinema for such a muck up. 

Faye production work No.2

3 uses of mood boards
· Will help establish the basics of what you want. colour palettes, typography, the layout, images.
· They can help save time as after doing it you know roughly what you want to include.
· Mood boards are "fluid" meaning that although the final piece may be online you can do a mood board for any media platform making it very versatile.
3 uses of storyboards
· Helps to recognise the amount of time you'll need to produce whatever you are producing e.g. film or trailer.
· You roughly draw up the scenes needed so you know where to start and finish instead of just starting to film random bits here and there.
· Will help you to pre-visualise everything before you have started any actual production
3 differences between the two.
·  A storyboard is specific to a set genre whereas a mood board will be of just a general subject.
·  A mood board can be used to suggest a genre, colour scheme etc whereas a storyboard will show scenes and be more of a template.
·  Mood boards will help you get a general idea of what you want however a storyboard will show you what production needs to be done.

Sound effects:
Police Sirens
Foley sounds

Eerie music, tense music.

The main story line of our product revolves around the murder of a basketball player while
his team mate goes to the bathroom, the murder will take place from the perspective from
the victims and the witness.  The main twist of our storyline is the fact that one of the
detectives is the murder, in our story line we will try to elude to this twist without spoiling it at
the end
In our trailer we will focus on the main murder which is where are main victim tre is murder
whilst he practices basketball in the courts


1. Low medium shot. In the first scene of the trailer we will use a low shot on the floor to show a basketball rolling across the screen. We will use a slider to track the basketball as it rolls. This lengthened shot allows the audience to be more greatly affected by the murder. This low angle shot will restrict what the audience sees. By keeping the action off screen there is an element of shock or mystery created for the audience.

2. Over the shoulder shot. We will use an over the shoulder shot behind the first victim as he practices his shots. This gives the impression that there is something standing behind the character. This helps with the horror theme and builds suspense for the audience.

3. Using a close up shot on the hand of the killer to show the blood on his hands. Highly detailed close ups help build mystery for the audience.

4. Long shot on conflict between detective and killer down a corridor. This shot places distance between the audience and the action which

Tuesday 24 April 2018

Dizzee Rascal Dream and Formation analysis


In this music video Dizzee Rascal starts talking about him and his friends when they were younger and they thought they knew everything and thought they were kings. Also we see "mother" who used to do all these educational videos to children on whats right and wrong. This makes this video better because it is an educational video almost due to Dizzee talking about his childhood and the mistakes he made and what he thought was right back then.

In his second verse he talks about how his priorities changes and started focusing on music and that was all he wanted to do and how he is thankful to everyone who bought his album which made him grow. All he cared about was performing/ making music and getting his money as fast as he could.

The final verse is the most influential in my opinion because he then starts to talk to the younger generations saying they can go pretty far if they put their minds to it and stop worrying about "your mans" as they will still be there in the end if they are real. I think this is quite powerful because it is coming from someone who doesn't want other youngsters to waste their potential on small things and go out and do bigger things to make the world better instead of doing nothing. 

Visually the video looks pretty old and has a few puppets and toys going around however I think that was the aim for this because "mother" used to do her shows a while back so they wanted to try re-create that same feeling again. There wasn't much in the way of colour but again I think

Technical codes for this would include a lot of editing to make the puppets and old toys such as the flying helicopter to look real. As I was saying in the visual section they would have edited the video to look quite old/ basic to get the same feeling as what "mothers" show would have been like back then.

Audio codes for this video would have been the non-diegetic music and the voices from Dizzee and "mother" for us to hear.

Overall, I think the video uses all 3 codes pretty well to try and get that old video feeling and I think it is very informative and even influential to young people to try and stay on track and not lose focus or do things that may muck up your life. 

At the start of the video we see Beyonce sitting on a car that is slowly sinking throughout the rest of the video to show that the power of the police was getting smaller and smaller. Also everything else behind her was also flooded and the video was shot in New Orleans to show everyone how devastating it was.

During her second verse she talks about how she slays, I think this could be seen as a form of female empowerment because she's dressing how she wants and doing what she wants showing that she doesn't really listen to what people tell her today but she is confident in what she does and wants other women to look at her feel the same way and not be pressured by society.

A counter argument for this could be that the way she dresses could defeat the whole point of trying to show female empowerment if she's going to wear minimal clothing and dance provocatively. However some people will also argue that she is doing what she wants which shows female empowerment so both sides have different points to argue.

In her third verse she talks about if she wants something she will work and grind for it until she gets it. This may be seen quite positively because she could be saying that if you really want something, work hard and be persistent and one day you'll reach your goals. This could be compared to Dream as Dizzee was also saying put your head down and work for it and you'll reach your dreams.

Overall, I think that even though it may not be the first thing you get from the video if you look deep enough there is positive messages in there such as keep working hard for your dreams and promoting female empowerment.

Analysing newspapers

Main image - statue of liberty ashamed. Headline - President Trump Quote - "what have they done" Binary opposition - Black an...