Tuesday 8 May 2018

Weekly news No.18

School shooting prevented. Teen had a "Kill list".

In Northallerton a teenager has planned to try and re-create an American high school shooting. The teenager who hasn't been named had carved his name into one of his ex's girlfriends back. Most people described this teenager as insane and a bit of an outcast. I think maybe the kid didn't have very good social skills and was usually picked on or bullied due to people saying he is an outcast and that this could probably lead to him thinking and feeling like no one likes him and in his head the "shooting" is the right thing to do. There could be a lot of different factors that influenced him into wanting to do this but we don't know all the factors.

According to the ex he would talk to her about all of the things he had under his bed such as chlorine bombs and a kill list. The girl said she didn't report this because she was scared that he would hurt her or her friends and she didn't want anyone hurting them.

The two boys involved have both been trying to re-create the Eric Harris and Dylan Klebold case were they both killed 12 students, a teacher and then themselves. Both boys are denying the "conspiracy to murder" and have both pleaded not guilty to intentionally carry out any act of violent behaviour. The boy who carved his name into his ex's back is denying aggravated burglary and actually wounding the girl.

Overall, I think this is a very serious case and i'm glad they caught them before they got to carry out this act. It is one of those crimes that can happen so fast that no matter how many pre-cautions you take it can still happen but luckily it didn't.

Leeds Crown Court.


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