Wednesday 20 September 2017

Lynx Welcome the jungle analysis.

Lynx welcome to the jungle analysis.

During the start of the advert it starts at night with a car drifting. The car is lit up to draw attention to it, however if you look at the background the denotation is a block of buildings, the connotations could be that it is set in a poor area.

The next scene then goes to focus on a gang of black people. The social representation is suggesting that all black people are in gangs, have there trousers sagging to low and wearing gold chains. The main black person who is standing at the front has 2 dogs on gold leads, the dogs are barking showing aggression. A different aspect of this is the advert is called "welcome to the jungle" and the group of black men is supposed to be representing "tribal members".

After this it goes on to show 3 women who are dressed in minimal clothing bent over dancing quite seductively. This could be seen as objectifying because its how they are being shown as quite revealing. Also it moves onto paparazzi photoing the women as if that's all they care about is when they are dancing with minimal clothing on.

Next is a white guy dressed in what looks like quite an expensive blue suit going into a limousine with multiple women inside of it. The guy is looking like he is happy however all the women are looking unenthusiastic and uninterested. This denotates that the women are with him just because he is rich. All the women are dressed up in nice dresses and have pearls around their necks which contrasts what we saw before with the women who weren't wearing much.

The next bit goes onto a guy who is throwing his old TV out of the window. The connotations could be that we always throw away things which we think are irrelevant. I also think it is showing us how chaotic everything is at that current time just like it would be in the jungle. Also after this we see crowds of people moving towards the camera and a police man on a horse which could show that there is rioting going on which links back to the chaotic atmosphere.

After this we can then see a group of people who are dancing in the middle of the road, my first initial thoughts is that it doesn't really make sense however the only thing i could link this to is tribe members dancing as the connotation. We can also see two white men getting presumably thrown out of a building for doing something that they shouldn't have.

Then we get to see bikes with flames which could connote a stunt team about to do some coll tricks which could tie in with the whole chaotic atmosphere again and then we start to see money raining from the sky. The notes are being thrown by white men which shows that they are used to having so much money that they are throwing it away like its nothing. Some of the notes look like they have also been burnt which shows how careless the rich white people are.

Now it moves onto 4 models getting snapped by the paparazzi with the money falling in front of them and them posing showing that they love it. This could connote that the women love to pose for everyone if they are getting money for it.

We then get to see the camera moving through a crowd of different types of people showing that there is all kinds of people there like rich white women, ripped white men and some people who are dressed in old clothing. This shows as if the camera is the view of someone. Then it shows that the view is of a woman who is brightly lit up which contrasts the fact that it is meant to be night time because she is gleaming looking like some angelic figure among all of these other people however she looks lost and confused. Then we see one man walking towards her quite confidently and she looks in shock because she is probably in love. The man is also lit up like an angelic figure like these two are meant to be together. They then stand facing each other smiling and laughing as if they are happy to be together.

Overall, I think that this advert represents everyone quite unfairly because for every black guy we say they looked like thugs or gang members but for every white guy we saw he was in a suit and looked rich. I also think that they showed the different genders unfairly because some women were dancing with revealing clothes on however there were others who were dressed quite smart with nice necklaces but only because they was with a rich white person. 


  1. What you wrote was really good and had good use of spacing and flow

  2. What you wrote was really good and had good use of spacing and flow


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