Wednesday 8 November 2017

Weekly news No.4

Mark van Dongen murdered by jealous lover.

A jealous lover screams "if i cant have you then no one else will" and proceeds to throw acid over him.
Berlinah Wallace, 48, is accused of dousing Mark van Dongen, 29, with sulphuric acid after the pair's five-year relationship broke down.
Bristol Crown Court heard he chose to end his life in a euthanasia clinic when the pain from his "horrific and catastrophic" injuries became unbearable. 
The court heard Mr van Dongen was left paralysed from the neck down and lost his left leg, the sight in his left eye and most of the sight in his right eye, after the September 2015 attack in Bristol. He was later told he would require a "lifetime of constant and dedicated care". In January this year, he travelled to Belgium where he ended his life in a euthanasia clinic.
The jury was told how Van dongen was gennuinely frightened of her and that their relationship had become volatile.
Ms Wallace denies murder. She claimed that she believed that what was in the glass was water. Mark had claimed that she would hit herself and tell the police he did it if he was to leave her. 
The man defending her (Richard Smith) had said that:
"Yes, she threw the glass over him, but defence claims Mr van Dongen put the acid in the cup without her knowledge, and encouraged her to drink it resulting in a mirror image of what we now have." 
He also stated that:
He said the couple had a "turbulent and complicated relationship" and Ms Wallace was going to blackmail Mr van Dongen with personal information, which was why he put the acid in the glass and encouraged her to drink it.
The trial to see what will happen to Ms Wallace will take place this Thursday.

I think this is an awful case because it isn't like a punch or kick that you can heal from and forget but instead this is life changing injuries that you could have done nothing about due to how horrible and scarring acid attacks are. I think that she should be put in prison because she didn't just hurt him but caused him permanent life changing injuries.

Mark van Dongen

Berlinah Wallace


  1. good, in depth post which presents the full story to the reader. however, you could have included your own opinion to improve it further

  2. Tegan id right it is an interesting and really sad story however you are lacking a source, context, comparison and importantly your opinion.

    Always important with the weekly news to link it back to one of our class topics i.e. Audience or Representation or at least explain why you picked the story.

    Please state your source and why the story spoke to you.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Yeah I will include my opinion however there is a source further down to the link to see the full story.


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