Video Games and the effects they may have.
From doing some research on games their is a mix between whether games are good or bad for you. For example one website gives some "scientific benefits" that games can have. These include:
- 3D games can increase memory capacity. They got a certain amount of people to play 3D Mario games and others to play 2D Angry Birds. After playing these games for x amount of time the people who played mario seemed to do better on some memory based questions and this may have been due to being more engaged in a 3D game always having to remember certain parts of the map instead of just going left or right like in a 2D game.
- The next benefit was that games are good for pain relief because you draw your attention away from your injury and end up focusing on the game so much that you can almost forget the pain is there.
- Following this is that games may help people who have dyslexia read. Some people think with subtitles on in the background it could passively help or due to playing a fast paced game it can increase their attention span meaning they can learn to read as fast as any other person or significantly increase the speed at which they are currently at.
- Tetris may help limit trauma. People who were in hospital were asked to play about 20 minutes or so of Tetris and they asked the people who had played it and 30 people who didn't about how they felt. The majority of people who played Tetris said that they weren't as traumatised as they were before. This could be due to the simplicity of it and that it is a calm and very chilled game.
- This one seems to good to be true but games may increase your intelligence. By playing certain games and having to memorise different things to progress can help improve your memory.
However when it comes to gaming unfortunately it isn't all just good effects, there are negatives to go with it. Like everything else when done excessively it is unhealthy.
- To much gaming can cause some bad health problems because if you spend all your time gaming then you aren't being active and getting enough exercise then you may become obese or have some other health issues.
- Also gaming may cause poor relationships between family and friends. For example if they aren't going out due to gaming they won't form any friendships and they may not know how to form friendships or other relationships when they are older. Also if you play games then you may not be communicating with your family enough because you spend so long gaming.
- Depending on what games you could be playing it could cause you to be more aggressive and act out more violently. If in games for example Grand Theft Auto you go around beating everyone up, then over time you may start to think it is okay and act it out in real life.
Below is a link from BBC news discussing whether games can make people violent or not.
Overall though I don't think games cause people to act out aggressively or do bad things because we all have boundaries and lines which we can see what is right and what is wrong so doing anything bad would be the persons fault not and not what they've seen in a game and thinking that they can get away with it.