Monday 5 February 2018

Faye Stereotype work.

Negative views on muslims.

Muslims are majorly showed in the media in negative ways always being called terrorists and being generalised amongst everyone. A lot of the time it isn't even Muslims who cause crime it will be a terror group that everyone immediately calls a Muslim group. We see this in a lot of our news/media and this links into the hypodermic needle theory were we see this so much that we either almost start to believe it or we actually believe it. This has caused a lot of trouble throughout a lot of situations such as Muslim people being kicked of planes because others don't like sitting near them because they are "scared" or "afraid". 

Image result for the sun muslim front page

This is an example of Muslims being showed negatively in the media and the upsetting thing about this is that it was someone who has just "converted" to a Muslim. Due to this newspaper being published by The Sun they could have been anyone but if they looked like a Muslim then they would just label him/ her as one.

I do think that Muslims in the media are evolving because we are all realising that it isn't always just Muslims doing all these bad things. During the time when ISIS was in the news every week every one would instantly think that they are Muslim group and that all Muslims are like that when in fact this was not the case and Muslims wanted nothing to do with them but as we kept seeing it in the news aspects of the hypodermic needle come in as we keep seeing it so we end up starting to believe it. This is a shame because there was cases of innocent Muslims getting hurt by people because they thought they were associated with ISIS.

Overall, I think that Muslims in the media are being shown negatively and especially last year they were being shown as if they were like the devil however I do think that we are evolving and realising that the media is wrong to just generalise all Muslims as terrorists. 

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