Tuesday 28 November 2017

Weekly news No.6

Driver jailed for hit and run in Brighton.

Adam McDermott aged 33 collided with Andy Payne aged 54 and pretty much left him for dead. The car was driving at a very fast speed most likely way over the speed limit in that area.

Adam left the scene in Montague Place, Brighton. Adam was driving a Fiat 500 which was his Fiance's. He didn't have a license so he was sentenced to six and a half years for dangerous driving, driving without a license and insurance and fleeing the scene which makes it look like Adam did it deliberately.

Andy Payne miraculously survived and he suffered from two bleeding areas on his brains and a punctured lung. The incident happened on the 14th January 2016. He said that it was a "miracle" that he survived this. 

Adam already has 47 previous convictions and was already in prison for another offence.

The judge said to Adam "You are, in my view, a man to whom crime comes all too easily".

Robyn Burns aged 30 and Clark Waller have both been jailed for conspiracy of this incident. Robyn for a year and a half and Clark for two and a half years.

In my opinion I think that Adam definitely deserves his prison sentence because he didn't stop to help the guy however he just drove off making it look like it was on purpose. The other two i'm not to sure what to think because I think it is strange to conspire a hit a run but not be involved. However if they did encourage Adam to run someone over they do deserve there jail sentence.


Monday 20 November 2017

Saturday 18 November 2017

Comparison of 3 music videos.

M.I.L.F - Fergie.

My first song that I will be analysing will be M.I.L.F by Fergie. This song is definitely exploiting women over empowering them because in the whole music video it is full of half naked women dancing around shaking everything in an explicit way. The song is saying how they can easily turn a guy on and get him into bed. All the girls are dancing and you can see some girls pole dancing which isn't a positive representation to women because first thoughts of pole dancing is strip clubs and strip clubs usually exploit women for male pleasure. Then we see a woman in a bath acting sexy which again doesn't show a positive representation to women because women shouldn't have to be half naked in baths or dancing to get recognised or for guys to like them.

No Words - Dave

This song is quite different to Fergie's song because in his music video there is no girls at all. This music video is different and a quite chilled out as it doesn't need half naked women dancing around to grab attention which makes the music video less explicit to the audience. However in the song he does mention a few things about different girls such as my girl got a body like boombastic. Also in the video one guy mentions how girls say "she hates me then she loves me, says fuck you then fucks me" which could be giving girls a negative representation saying that they are easy or hoes or it could just be retelling past experiences. However this isn't giving women a bad representation like in Fergie's video where she's got them all half naked and dancing. Overall in this video it doesn't give women a good or bad representation because he doesn't have any in the video.

Trampoline - Tinie Tempah and 2 Chainz 

This song is similar to Fergies song in the way it is straight up exploiting women and in no way empowering women. In the whole video there is 2 guys. Tinie Tempah and 2 Chainz and the rest are women which should hint to what the video is like. Throughout the whole video Tinie is in the middle higher up than all the girls showing that he has higher status and that he is more important than them which is a negative representation to women showing that he thinks he is more important than them. In the video all the women are half naked again dancing seductively which is showing that the women are there for the sake of males and keeping the video "interesting". Also in the video we see a bunch of pills which fits in with the song in the way that if you took those you'd probably get high and then your vision would start to go funny. This is negative representation to everybody because it could be showing that taking drugs is "fine" when it isn't something to be showing off to everyone. He also says in the video "she asked me if i'm single i said maybe i think so" This clearly shows that he just wants to sleep with her and have nothing else to do with her.I think overall this video is quite bad for exploiting women as visually they are all dancing half naked and they are talking about his women and his "mistress".

Tuesday 14 November 2017

Regional and national identity.

National identity is someone being described based on the features of the country they are from for example Chinese people. Regional identity is more of a geographical area that people are from so North England or South England. 

An example of regional identity could be Scottish people. Scottish people are represented in two different ways. The friendly and funny kind of people or they can be represented as drunks, aggressive people and that they "all wear kilts and play the bagpipe".

Image result for scottish flag

An example of National identity would be British people. British people are represented in different ways for example all British people being rich, speaking weirdly or "posh", always drinking tea. Other ways we are represented is that our favouite sport is football and that all the young people are chavs who ride bikes with their trousers sagging low.

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Weekly news no.5

Daisy Goodwin sexually assaulted?

The creator of ITV series Victoria has recently told radio times that a man "put his hand on her breast" after having a meeting to discuss a proposed TV show when David Cameron was Prime Minister. She said that she was "cross" but didn't report anything. 

Apparently during the meeting she says she was surprised when the man put his feet up on her furniture and told her that wearing sun glasses made her look like a "bond girl".

The next bit is copied to roughly sum up what happened after the meeting had finished.

She said she tried to steer the conversation back onto professional matters, but added: "At the end of the meeting we both stood up and the official, to my astonishment, put his hand on my breast.
"I looked at the hand and then in my best Lady Bracknell voice said: 'Are you actually touching my breast?'
"He dropped his hand and laughed nervously."
Ms Goodwin said she left Downing Street in a state of "high dudgeon".
"I wasn't traumatised, I was cross. But by the next day it had become an anecdote, The Day I Was Groped In Number 10," she said.
Recently there has been a lot of people coming out and saying that they have been "sexually assaulted" from minor things to very serious accusations. I don't know if she is being serious or if she is lying to try and jump on the "bandwagon" like everyone else is.

In my opinion I think this case is serious and the man should be punished as it is out of order and no need to do that. I think that lots of people unfortunately suffer from different varieties of "sexual assault" whether it is something that isn't to harmful and people who have awful life changing situations due to someone else because they cant control themselves. I do think some people are faking cases however it is hard to judge because of how serious sexual assault it and it isn't something that can be ignored.

Image result for Daisy Goodwin

Wednesday 8 November 2017

Weekly news No.4

Mark van Dongen murdered by jealous lover.

A jealous lover screams "if i cant have you then no one else will" and proceeds to throw acid over him.
Berlinah Wallace, 48, is accused of dousing Mark van Dongen, 29, with sulphuric acid after the pair's five-year relationship broke down.
Bristol Crown Court heard he chose to end his life in a euthanasia clinic when the pain from his "horrific and catastrophic" injuries became unbearable. 
The court heard Mr van Dongen was left paralysed from the neck down and lost his left leg, the sight in his left eye and most of the sight in his right eye, after the September 2015 attack in Bristol. He was later told he would require a "lifetime of constant and dedicated care". In January this year, he travelled to Belgium where he ended his life in a euthanasia clinic.
The jury was told how Van dongen was gennuinely frightened of her and that their relationship had become volatile.
Ms Wallace denies murder. She claimed that she believed that what was in the glass was water. Mark had claimed that she would hit herself and tell the police he did it if he was to leave her. 
The man defending her (Richard Smith) had said that:
"Yes, she threw the glass over him, but defence claims Mr van Dongen put the acid in the cup without her knowledge, and encouraged her to drink it resulting in a mirror image of what we now have." 
He also stated that:
He said the couple had a "turbulent and complicated relationship" and Ms Wallace was going to blackmail Mr van Dongen with personal information, which was why he put the acid in the glass and encouraged her to drink it.
The trial to see what will happen to Ms Wallace will take place this Thursday.

I think this is an awful case because it isn't like a punch or kick that you can heal from and forget but instead this is life changing injuries that you could have done nothing about due to how horrible and scarring acid attacks are. I think that she should be put in prison because she didn't just hurt him but caused him permanent life changing injuries.

Mark van Dongen

Berlinah Wallace


Tuesday 7 November 2017

Age presentation

How teenagers are represented in the media.

Young people in their teen years or even in early twenties are usually represented in more of a negative way than positive. For example teenagers are represented as people who are in gangs, are always out at night late causing trouble, always fighting, always drinking and smoking and doing drugs. However that is more of a stereotype because whenever we see different things on the news they are most likely correct and it's another occasion that a young person has done something wrong. But not every young person is like this. For example there are young adults who do good things and like to keep everyone happy but we don't see this in the media because it isn't anything interesting to report.

One occasion that represented young people as bad is the London and Croydon riots. They would show all the young people who were involved and this gives the young people a bad reputation even though there may have been a small majority of young people involved but the media chose to show those out of everyone else.

Young people don't really get recognised for doing anything good because that is "expected from them" but whenever something bad happens it is in the news as it is more interesting to hear than someone doing something good.

Image result for how are teenagers presented in the media

Image result for how are teenagers presented in the media




Eight people killed in New York terror attack after truck drives onto bike path.

Eight people have been killed and more than a dozen injured after a man drove a truck nearly a mile down a bike path in lower Manhattan on Tuesday, striking pedestrians, cyclists and a school bus.

After smashing into a school bus which injures two adults and two children, the 29-year-old suspect left the truck with what looked like weapons but was just a paintball gun and a air soft gun. Some witnesses have said the suspect was shouting “Allahu Akbar” before being shot by police, according to the New York police department. The suspect was arrested, and a paintball gun and a pellet gun were recovered at the scene.
The suspect underwent surgery and was in critical condition but was expected to survive. Officials who weren’t authorised to discuss the investigation and spoke on the condition of anonymity identified the attacker as 29-year-old Sayfullo Saipov, an Uzbek citizen who came to the US legally in 2010. Saipov has a Florida driving licence but may have been living in New Jersey, reports said.
This is of course a big issue but what some people thought was a bigger issue is Trump saying "My thoughts, condolences and prayers to the victims and families of the New York City terrorist attack. God and your country are with you.
Some people may see this and think positively off this as the President is speaking out and saying how he feels however a lot of people are annoyed that all he does is just putting things on Twitter and is always saying how God will help us however Trump isn't doing anything about it like going out and seeing the people.


Wednesday 1 November 2017

Event presentation.

Bodypower Expo.

Bodypower is the biggest indoor fitness expo in the world that will bring together thousands and thousands of people including some of the leading brands and athletes in the health and fitness industry.

The idea of this event is to entertain, inspire and to motivate people showcasing some of the UK's best and some of the most dedicated people going head to head in various competitions to try and be victorious. 

In 2018 this event would have gone on for 10 years running and is expected to include just over 100,000 visitors to attend with a Vegas theme.

Bodypower has many stands and booths for people to visit varying from famous bodybuilding athletes to brands of supplements. The event itself has a very friendly atmosphere that includes music playing and having people compare to see who is the biggest and everyone has a great time.

These pages are examples of what people thought of the event overall. When this expo is being advertised it is represented in a positive way as it is trying to encourage people to hit the gym and maybe turn their life around and become healthy. It also encourages people to join together have a laugh and enjoy themselves.




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Image result for bodypower

Analysing newspapers

Main image - statue of liberty ashamed. Headline - President Trump Quote - "what have they done" Binary opposition - Black an...